Saturday, March 12, 2011

101 in 1001

Start Date: March 12, 2011
End Date: December 7, 2013

The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past — frequently simple goals such as new year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Haven't started
In progress

1. Complete the Love Dare.
2. Make 2 new good friends
3. Make an effort to get/stay in touch with old friends.
4. Get 5 “I saw this and thought of you” gifts. (0/5)
5. Spend two hours of quality time with each of my kids individually at least once a week.
6. Make a romantic 3-course meal from scratch.
7. Discover my love language.  Quality Time
8. Have a girl’s day with a good friend.
9. Surprise the family with a special day out once a month. (0/34)
10. Finish my Bachelor’s degree.
11. Graduate with honors.
12. Start my Master’s degree.
13. Teach the kid’s sign language.
14. Successfully get the kids ready for kindergarten (reading, alphabet, coloring, etc.)
15. Read 100 new books. (0/100)
16. Cook and host a holiday meal.
17. Go on a “honeymoon”
18. See the cherry blossoms in Washington D.C.
19. Find an exercise routine that I enjoy.
20. Get back down to a size 4.
21. Use coupons during every shopping trip. 
*3/15- saved $6!
22. Leave a gracious tip.
23. Start a filing system for all of the bills.
24. Keep the house “company ready” for at least 3 days a week.
25. Go to a drive in theater.
26. Go to a midnight showing of a movie.
27. Take the kids to Disney World.
28. Learn 150 new recipes. (0/150)
29. Stay at a bed and breakfast.
30. Read through the Bible twice. (0/2)
31. Start a small Bible study group.
32. Learn how to decorate a cake.
33. Make a cake/cupcakes for a special event.
34. Look in to catering as a side job.
35. Make my own bread.
36. Run three 5k’s. (0/3)
37. Pottytrain the kids.
38. Buy a van.
39. Donate something to charity once a month. (1/34)
40. Raise $2,000 as a team for the March for Babies. (270/$2000) [to donate go to
personal_page.asp?pp=3215457&ct=4&w=4640240&u=kwheeler02 ]
41. Make up my own cupcake recipe.
42. Don’t eat fast food for 30 consecutive days. (0/30)
43. Don’t drink sweet tea for 30 consecutive days. (0/30)
44. Make a cookbook containing my favorite recipes (include pictures).
45. Learn how to shoot a gun.
46. Donate 10 inches of hair to Locks of Love.
47. Volunteer in the community.
48. Do one random good deed a day. (3/1001)
49. Complete the 365 photo challenge.
50. Go to 15 restaurants I’ve never been to. (1/15)
51. Pay for someone behind me in the drive thru.
52. Learn to sew.
53. Make a quilt.
54. Travel by train.
55. Visit 5 new zoos. (1/5)
56. Visit 10 museums. (0/10)
57. Finally go to the T-room.
58. Learn how to make candles.
59. Tour a winery.
60. Make my own laundry detergent.
61. Do not log in to facebook for 14 consecutive days. (0/14)
62. Take the kids to see fireworks.
63. Go to a baseball game.
64. Buy a pair of heels.
65. Learn to walk in heels.
66. Go to the circus.
67. Get caught up on the kid’s baby books.
68. Learn to drive a stick shift.
69. Have a formal wedding and reception.
70. Learn to tie a tie.
71. Visit a state I’ve never been to.
72. Take a yoga class.
73. Go to a farmer’s market.
74. Spend the day exploring downtown.
75. Go white water rafting.
76. Have a spa day.
77. Send Christmas cards every year. (0/3)
78. Do the Avon or Komen walk for the cure.
79. Learn to play tennis.
80. Don’t complain about anything for a week.
81. Go camping.
82. Ride in a hot air balloon.
83. Make ice cream from scratch.
84. Complete a Crossword book.
85. Geocache.
86. Run three 10k's. (0/3)
87. Go on a weekend trip with a friend.
88. Stay in a super fancy hotel.
89. Rent a beach house with family/friends.
90. Start a new tradition.
91. Go to a mystery theater dinner.
92. Create a scavenger hunt for Randy and the kids.
93. Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day.
94. Invite another couple over for dinner and games.
95. Go to a festival that I haven’t been to before.
96. See a Broadway play.
97. Learn to knit. For real this time!
98. Learn to ski.
99. Change a tire successfully.
100. Give up caffeine for 30 days. (0/30)
101. Run the Disney half marathon. 

1 comment:

  1. I'll pray that you will be able to accomplish your list. I love everything you have on here!


    PS I had to use papa's google account to leave this comment that is why it say Kenny Slug!
